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What is the mounting system for solar panels?

A mounting system for solar panels or a photovoltaic mounting system is a racking system used to safely secure solar panels on various surfaces such as roofs of buildings and houses, on solid ground as well as on the surface of water bodies. There are three common types of solar mounting systems namely ground mount system, roof mount system, and floating mount system.

Ground Mounted Solar Panels

This is one of the most popular and common solar mounting systems. A ground mount system is when the solar panels are installed on the ground of one's property using a rack structure. The solar panels can be installed in an open area on the ground or over a parking lot.  

Ground mount solar panels require ample space on land, where the panels can get direct and sufficient sun exposure. The energy from the sun is then fed to a solar inverter to convert it into electricity for powering houses. Most residential areas require a 60-cell panel to power their houses and larger areas like solar farms use 72-cell panels.

There are different ways of mounting solar panels to the ground depending on the setup of the racking system.

Types of ground mount solar installations.

solar mounting

· Standard ground mount 

This is the easiest and most cost-effective method of installation. A standard ground mount is a traditional method of installing solar panels. The racking table is anchored to the ground holding the solar panels in a fixed position. There are several methods of anchoring the racking table depending on the condition of the ground; the most common way is using concrete piers. Some other options are helical and driven piers as well as concrete ballasts.

Usually, in a traditional ground mount system, the solar panels are placed in a fixed position not allowing any movement but recently there have been several options that allow for manual adjustment to get optimum sun exposure throughout the day.  

· Pole mount 

A pole mount system uses one large pole set to the ground holding the racking table upon which the solar panels are placed. Unlike a traditional mount system which requires digging several holes, the pole mount system only requires one hole in the ground.

A Pole-mount system saves a lot of land space for shelter and animal grazing because it only uses one pole. It is also a cleaner method and avoids spoilage of the ground. One of the greatest advantages of using a pole mount is that it can be incorporated with a single or dual-axis tracking system enabling automatic rotation of the solar panels to follow the direction of the sun throughout the day for optimum exposure.

However, compared to a standard mount system a pole mount with a tracking system is more expensive to install.

Advantages of using a ground mount system

One of the greatest advantages is that the solar panels mounted to the ground are more flexible in terms of movement compared to other mounting systems. The solar panels can be moved to face the position of the sun throughout the entire day. To get maximum exposure the solar panels need to face south or southwest and on flat ground, this is possible, unlike on a roof.


Roof-mounted solar panels

Roof solar panels are mounted on the surface of roofs of residential and commercial houses and buildings. The solar panels catch the energy from the sun and convert it into electricity for commercial purposes. This method is efficient and cost-effective especially if there is less space on land. The solar panels are placed on the roof that would otherwise not be used at all.

One of the major requirements of roof panels is that they need to be placed on a roof that is not obstructed by sun rays. It must be away from tall buildings and trees. Otherwise, it is a safe place to install solar panels as is out of reach of children, animals, and even unwanted people like thieves. The roof of residential or commercial houses is usually not utilized for regular daily activities by the residents. Hence making It the perfect place to mount solar panels. Placing them on the roof will save space on the ground for more productive activities.

Solar panels on the roof are less likely affected by weather conditions like snow coverage compared to ground solar panels. For maximum energy input, the solar panels should face the east side of the roof to get access to sun rays throughout the day.


Advantages of roof-mounted solar panels

Compared to other mounting systems roof solar panels have lower installation costs. Solar roof panels are cheaper to install. They require fewer resources, time, and laborers during the installation process. Although, it is harder to maintain and clean compared to ground solar panels. This leads to higher maintenance costs.

wholesale solar racking

Floating solar mount system

In a floating mount system, the solar panels are placed on a floating body on the surface of water bodies. The floating solar panels are placed on calm waterbodies like lakes o basins as well as man-made bodies like reservoirs. This mounting system is mainly used in large projects and not just a single residential house or building.  

This system is used widely by most developed nations such as China, Japan, and the USA for large projects. And it is widely favored because it is an environmentally friendly method and the most efficient method compared to the roof and ground mount systems. This is due to its combination with water which acts as a coolant to avoid the solar panels from overheating. 

solar racking system manufacturers

To avoid rust or corrosion of the panels, the floating body that holds the panels is coated with magnesium alloy.


Advantages of floating solar mount system.

One of the major advantages is that a floating mount system does not wasteland space.

Since it is used in larger projects, the space on land can be utilized for other more efficient and productive purposes and avoids deforestation. But this method requires the presence of calm water bodies like hydroelectric dam reservoirs, wastewater treatment ponds, drinking water reservoirs, and lakes. This allows for maximum exposure and energy throughout the day.







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